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Community Novice

My professor has set up our class page, but I am the only person that cannot access the files, syllaubs, quizzes or announcements. I am on the correct page, but nothing appears when I click the tabs. Also, it works on my phone, just not the computer

1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi,  @plp3fw  and  Welcome to the Canvas Community! You've done some nice sleuthing to narrow the problem down. We now know that it's not an issue with the course, since you're the only one who can't access the materials, and we know it's not a problem with your access to the course, since you can see it on your phone but not on the computer.

That leaves one likely culprit: your browser is probably out of date and therefore unsupported. Please compare the version of the browser you're using to the ones listed in Which browsers does Canvas support?‌: if you're using a version that is older than those listed, you'll need to update the browser to a supported version.

Good luck!

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