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Transferring Student Grades

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I have a student who transferred to me from another class.  What is the easiet and fastest way to find their grade from the prior class?  I have to transfer these grades to my class gradebook.   Thanks so much!

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @NikkiMitchell,

Des the student's original class have the exact same assignments as your class does?  If so, I'd suggest having the original teacher provide you with a grade export file, filtered down to just that student (for privacy reasons).  You could then either input the scores into your grades area manually, or if everything is identical (assignment titles, points, etc), you may be able to import that file right into your course.  I'd really recommend entering the grades manually, because any small difference in your course from the original one could really throw off an automated import.

If the assignments in the original course are not the same as yours, that's a completely different situation and would require a much more unique/creative solution.


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