Why is my view of Canvas different than the videos

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Nearly all of the videos I have viewed (even those from 2016) talk about the rich text editor, and when it is invoked, three tabs appear on the right side of the screen for choosing "links, files or images".  What I see is a drop down menu that defaults to links but also includes files and images.  Why the difference?  It seems minor, but there are numerous other capabilities that I don't see that are discussed in videos.  Also, I use Google Chrome on Windows 10 PC, but I tried Edge and IE with same view.

1 Solution
Community Contributor

Hi,  @slswirsk ‌!

It sounds like your school has turned on the new text editor. Canvas has been working on a new editor and schools right now have flexibility on when that editor will be implemented. At the end of the year all clients are set to use the new editor. Here is a document that shows the differences of the classic and new editor ~ https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-18175-rich-content-editor-comparison-document 

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