Why the added steps for audio recording in Canvas?

Community Explorer

In SpeedGrader, I note that one change this fall is that video/audio recording is now accessible under ONE button; however, it does not save settings between each student.

In the old system, I could select either a video or an audio recording.  To use this feature now, I am required to perform multiple steps to turn off my webcam and turn on audio recording for EACH and EVERY student.

I will be recording audio files for nearly 100 students multiple times during this semester, and having to perform these steps each and every time for each and every student adds time to my grading.

Video recordings make for very large files, and because many of my students deal with slow internet speeds, I avoid them.  Audio files are much smaller and easier for them to access.

I am NOT happy about this change.  

Why did you change a system that was working fine?

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