can I put students into groups?

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I'm looking to assign tasks only to certain differentiated groups rather than adding each individual student to the assignment.  Is there a way to create these groups within a class?

1 Solution
Community Contributor

Hi @mohammam ,

The feature you want is actually Sections, not Groups. Groups is for collaborative work, and all members of a Group can see each others' work. For differentiated assigning, you need to create Sections and then assign to that section.

You would need to create new sections and assign students to them. Students can be in more than one section at a time.

Caveats: Some institutions disable the ability to create sections. Also, if you sync your grades to a separate system, creating new sections may break that link, depending on how your institution has synced the two systems.

How do I add a section to a course as an instructor?

How do I assign an assignment to a course section?


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