duplicate modules

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Community Novice

I just copied a course and it copied duplicate modules.  When I try to delete one of the duplicated modules, it deletes the assignments within both modules.  HELP!

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @PatriciaTurnbul ...

When you delete a module, it shouldn't delete the content in your course.  The "Modules" screen is simply a screen that allows you to create your modules and organize your course content (Pages, Discussions, Assignments, Quizzes) within those modules.  I just tried deleting a module with three items in it, and the pages still remained.  On your "Modules" page, you can "Remove" items from a module...but that doesn't completely delete them from the course.  When you delete a module, it doesn't completely delete the items within the module from the course.  Those items are still on your Pages, Discussions, Assignments, and/or Quizzes pages.  However, the reverse is not true.  If you go to your "Assignments" page, for example, and delete an assignment, that same assignment would be deleted from module on the "Modules" page.

All of this being said, can you look on your "Assignments" index page to see if the assignment is still there?  If you can't find it, then you might try the /undelete trick...which you can read more about here: Undeleting things in Canvas.

Hopefully you'll be able to get your content back soon.  Keep us posted here in the Community...thanks!

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