newest quiz mode

Community Novice


I learned, I think, that the 'build' space in Canvas (to generate/edit quizzes) has replaced the simple(r) quiz editing function. I can see that the editing I did in 'build' seems to be there, but only if I go back to 'build.' When I simply click on the quiz in a module, I cannot see anything, no questions, no means to edit. Which is an uncomfortable feeling not knowing what students are going to get. So my first question is:

1) Do I simply have to take it on faith that what I did in 'build' is what students will see?

Then (been off for a year) . . . I created a matching question, and in the old version of Canvas, I could insert feedback directly for each matching answer. I don't see any way in this new version to insert any feedback. In fact the options seem much more limited in general. 2) Am I missing some option somewhere, and is there a way I can go back to the 'classic' quiz mode and leave all of these improvements for those who can appreciate them?



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