verifying participation in classes for financial aid inquiry

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I filled out the participation in classes form, to secure my financial aid before September 12th deadline which is 21 days after the start of classes.

Financial Aid sent me an email saying all my classes are verified attendance except ECN221.

I don't understand why the rest of my classes are verified and not that one.?????

And when I go back into the participation survey, it says everything is completed.

So what the heck is going on..? And how do I get this class verified...??????????

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Community Coach
Community Coach

@JamesPhillips2 ...

I'm not sure if you realized this or not, but you've posted your question to the global Canvas Community website.  Unfortunately, we do not have access to the form(s) that you filled out or any information about the class(es) you are taking.  I highly recommend that you reach out to support staff at your school who would be better equipped to help answer your question.  This might be your instructor or someone from your school's Online Learning / eLearning / Distance Education team.  Hopefully someone should be able to answer your question there ... or at least point you to the right resources to help get your question answered.  Good luck to you!

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