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Canvas Release Notes (2024-04-20)

Canvas Release Notes (2024-04-20)

Upcoming Canvas Changes


  • Enforcement of LTI Deep Linking Line Items on Assignment Edit Page Feature Option


  • Enforcement of restricting future use of the submission_type_selection LTI Placement

For more information, please see Upcoming Canvas Changes.

In this Canvas release (20 April), External tools using the submission_type_selection placement have an updated interface in the Assignment Submission Type field. On the Developer Keys page, an LTI Registration option is added for admins. At the Account and course-level, the Grading Schemes page interface is redesigned and allows archiving schemes. A default icon with the first initial of the tool’s name displays for tools without icons in the Editor Button.In consortiums standard, developer key states and tokens are not inherited to child accounts, and toggling Developer Keys in the parent account doesn't affect tool installations in child accounts.  The Mobile offline mode feature option is available for admin. New Item Analysis report data is available for Essay, File Upload and Numeric question types. The Moderation page in New Quizzes presents the question position of answered questions in its View Log.

All Resources | Features in this release may be included in product blogs and other content areas. For all related links, view the 2024-04-20 Community tag.

Table of Contents

New Features

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Submission_Type_Selection Update

Admin Instructor

Beta Environment Availability


Production Environment Availability


Location to Enable Feature


Name of LTI Tool

All LTI Tools


Manage Assignments and Quizzes- add/edit

Related APIs


Affects User Interface


Affected Areas


Related Ideas



In Assignments, external tools using the submission_type_selection placement have an updated interface in the Assignment Submission Type field. This update displays the configured icon, name of the tool and a description.

Note: An institution must set up the submission_type_selection placement for an external tool on the Developer Keys page in order to display in Assignments.

Change Benefit

The update improves cohesion and enhances the overall visual aesthetics of the Canvas user interface.

Feature Workflow

Assignment External ToolAssignment External Tool

In Assignments, an external tool using the submission_type_ selection placement displays an icon [1], the name of the tool [2] and the tool description [3].

Feature Video

Not Available

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Developer Keys

Dynamic Registration


Beta Environment Availability


Production Environment Availability


Location to Enable Feature


Name of LTI Tool

All LTI Tools


Developer Keys-Manage

Related APIs


Affects User Interface


Affected Areas

Developer Keys

Related Ideas


Related Blog

Installing LTI 1.3 Tools is Easier than Ever with Dynamic Registration


On the Developer Keys page, an LTI Registration option is added for admins to automatically share information between Canvas and various tools to set up a Developer Key.

Change Benefit

This feature allows admins to more quickly and efficiently add LTI tools.

Feature Workflow

Developer Key LTI Registration LinkDeveloper Key LTI Registration Link

On the Developer Keys page, click the Add Developer Key button [1], and then click the Add LTI Registration link [2].

Dynamic Registration URL FieldDynamic Registration URL Field

Enter the Dynamic Registration URL [1], and then click the Continue button [2].

External Tool Login PageExternal Tool Login Page

Login to the desired tool and install the external tool.

Note: This workflow varies between external tools.

LTI Tool Settings ModalLTI Tool Settings Modal

In Settings, admin can manage permissions and placements of the external tool. By default, all permissions and placements are enabled. Then, click the Enable and Close button.

LTI Edit IconLTI Edit Icon

Once enabled, the external tool displays on the Developer Keys page. To edit the tools settings, click the Edit icon.

External Tool Settings Page Restore Default ButtonExternal Tool Settings Page Restore Default Button

Admins can click the Restore Defaults button to revert all settings back to their default configurations.

Feature Video


Embed Code:

<iframe width="560px" height="320px" allowfullscreen="true" allow="autoplay *" title="Release Screencast: 2024-04-20 Developer Keys Dynamic Registration" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>


Archive Grading Schemes

Admin Instructor

Beta Environment Availability


Production Environment Availability


Location to Enable Feature


Name of LTI Tool




Related APIs


Affects User Interface


Affected Areas

Course and Account level Grading Schemes

Related Ideas

[Account Settings] Active and archived grading schemes


At the account and course-level, the Grading Schemes page interface is redesigned. Additionally, admins and instructors can archive grading schemes as well as edit the name and description of grading schemes currently in use. 

Change Benefit

This functionality increases flexibility when managing grading schemes.

Feature Workflow

Account Grading Settings Archive IconAccount Grading Settings Archive Icon

In Account Grading Settings, to archive a grading scheme, click the Archive icon.


Account Grading Settings Archive Section and Unarchive IconAccount Grading Settings Archive Section and Unarchive Icon

Once a grading scheme is archived, it is moved to the Archived section [1]. To restore the grading scheme, click the Unarchive icon [2].

Note: Archived grading schemes in use can still be used, but cannot be added to new courses or assignments unless they are restored.

Course Grading Scheme View, Copy and Add New Grading Scheme ButtonsCourse Grading Scheme View, Copy and Add New Grading Scheme Buttons

In Course Settings, a View button [1], Copy button [2], and Add New Grading Scheme buttons [3] are added.


Course Level Manage All Grading SchemesCourse Level Manage All Grading Schemes

In Course Settings, the Manage All Grading Schemes modal is redesigned. Additionally, instructors can edit titles and descriptions of grading schemes already in use with the Edit icon [1]. Instructors can archive grading schemes using the Archive Icon [2] and restore archived grading schemes with the Unarchive icon [3].  


  • A grading scheme in use can be archived and then restored to an active state.
  • An archived grading scheme cannot be leveraged in the future by a course or assignment unless the scheme is restored. 
  • The default Canvas grading scheme cannot be archived. 
  • When copying or exporting a course, archived default grading schemes are not copied or exported.

Additional Details

Editing the name and description of grading schemes currently in use does not allow edits to percentages or points in the grading scheme. Additionally, a grading scheme established at the course level cannot be deleted, archived, or edited at the account level. Similarly, a grading scheme created at the account level cannot be deleted, archived, or edited at the course level. 

Feature Video


Embed Code:

<iframe width="560px" height="320px" allowfullscreen="true" allow="autoplay *" title="Release Screencast: 2024-04-20 Grading Archive Grading Schemes" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Rich Content Editor

External Tool Icon

All Users

Affected Feature Areas

Rich Content Editor

Account Setting to Enable


Affects User Interface


Related Ideas




LTI keys created at the account level without icons in the Editor Button placement automatically display a default icon with the first initial of the tool’s name in the Rich Content Editor.

Change Benefit

This update provides consistency and ensures all LTI tools display in the External tool menu.

Feature Workflow

Rich Content Editor External Tool Default IconRich Content Editor External Tool Default Icon

When no icon is set for an LTI tool the default icon displays in the menu and in the All Apps view.

Feature Video


Not Available

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Feature Options

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Feature options allow institutions to enable newly developed Canvas functionality according to their preferred time frame. Unless otherwise noted, all feature options are opt-in and do not require any action by a Canvas admin until a feature's enforcement date is announced. For a complete list of feature options, please see Canvas LMS Feature Options.

A feature preview label indicates a feature option in active development, which is being built directly through user feedback. Feature previews deploy updates outside the regular Canvas release schedule and are posted in the Related Releases section in Canvas Releases & Deploys.

Please reference the table below each feature heading for specific feature information. For general information about feature options, please see the Canvas Release Notes FAQ.


Mobile Offline Support

Admin Instructor

Feature Option Name to Enable

Mobile Offline Support

Enable Feature Option Location & Default Status

Account (Disabled/Unlocked)

Beta Environment Availability


Production Environment Availability


Subaccount Configuration



Account-level settings - manage

Affects User Interface


Affected Areas

Mobile Apps

Mobile App Support

Feature Option enablement is available in the web version only

Free-for-Teacher Availability

Not Available

Feature Option State


Related Ideas

[Canvas Mobile] Offline Access Within the Student App


The Mobile offline mode feature option is available to admin allowing students to sync course content to view as read-only when offline.

Notes: Canvas for Elementary courses and the use of external tools that require the internet are not available in Mobile Offline Mode. Studio media remains available. As instructors develop course content, it is essential to carefully consider the origin of visual elements or links associated with the material.

Change Benefit

This feature provides users increased flexibility, productivity, and improved experiences in various scenarios where internet connectivity may be unreliable or unavailable.

Feature Workflow

Mobile Support Mode Feature OptionMobile Support Mode Feature Option

To enable Mobile offline mode, click the Enable link.

Additional Details

For more information about the student mobile view, see the Canvas Student Release Notes (iOS 7.0) and the Canvas Student Release Notes (Android 7.0).

Feature Video

Not Available


New Quizzes

Item Analysis Report Additional Data


Feature Option Name to Enable

New Quizzes

Enable Feature Option Location & Default Status

Account (Disabled/Unlocked)

Beta Environment Availability


Production Environment Availability


Subaccount Configuration



Inherent to user role

Affects User Interface


Affected Areas

New Quizzes Item Analysis Report

Mobile App Support

Not available

Free-for-Teacher Availability

Not available

Feature Option State


Related Ideas

[New Quizzes] New quizzes Item analysis to include correct, incorrect and not answered stats for all...


The following data is added to the Item Analysis report:

  • Essay and File Upload- Score distribution chart, CSV support
  • Numeric-Answer Frequency Summary, Aggregation and CSV support

Change Benefit

This update provides additional information on specific question types for instructors to evaluate student responses and provide appropriate intervention.

Feature Video

Not Available

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Raw Points and Percentages on the Moderate Page


Feature Option Name to Enable

New Quizzes

Enable Feature Option Location & Default Status

Account (Disabled/Unlocked)

Beta Environment Availability


Production Environment Availability


Subaccount Configuration



Manage Assignments and Quizzes- add/edit/delete


Affects User Interface


Affected Areas

New Quizzes Moderate Page

Mobile App Support

Not available

Free-for-Teacher Availability

Not available

Feature Option State


Related Ideas



On the New Quizzes Moderate page, a configure icon is added allowing instructors to switch between percentages and raw points in the score display column.

Change Benefit

This feature improves reporting flexibility and grading system alignment.

Feature Workflow

New Quizzes Score Configure IconNew Quizzes Score Configure Icon

To switch between percentages and raw points in the score column, click the Configure icon.

Feature Video

Not Available

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View Log Question Position


Feature Option Name to Enable

New Quizzes

Enable Feature Option Location & Default Status

Account (Disabled/Unlocked)

Beta Environment Availability


Production Environment Availability


Subaccount Configuration



Manage Assignments and Quizzes- add/edit/delete


Affects User Interface


Affected Areas

New Quizzes Moderation Log

Mobile App Support

Not available

Free-for-Teacher Availability

Not available

Feature Option State


Related Ideas

[New Quizzes] View Log in New Quizzes needs useful information


In New Quizzes the Moderation page View Log includes the question position of the answered question.

Change Benefit

This update allows instructors to easily verify the question position as students complete quizzes.

Feature Workflow

New Quizzes View Log Question PositionNew Quizzes View Log Question Position

In the View Log of a New Quiz, the question position or question number displays.

Feature Video

Not Available

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Other Updates

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Developer Keys

Consortium State Update


Beta Environment Availability


Production Environment Availability


Location to Enable Feature


Name of LTI Tool



Inherent to user

Related APIs


Affects User Interface


Affected Area

Developer Keys


Developer Key state and tokens from the consortium parent are not inherited to child accounts. Additionally, turning On/Off Developer Keys in the parent account of a non-centrally managed Consortium does not affect the tool installs of the child accounts.

Change Benefit

This update allows the tool to launch properly when enabled for the context.

Feature Video

Not Available

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Change Log


Updated sentence "Developer Key state and tokens from the consortium parent are not inherited to child accounts."


Added Feature Videos


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