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What are the release schedules for beta, production, and test environments?

What are the release schedules for beta, production, and test environments?

Instructure products are worked on continuously and include bug fixes, enhancements, and new features, across three environments: beta, production, and test. These environments are accessible through web platforms and mobile apps using the appropriate URL.

Key Information:

  • Advance Notice: Release notes provide details about upcoming changes to production.
  • Time Zones: Production release dates are local for all regions; other events follow US Mountain Time.
  • Subject to Change: Release schedules may change. Check for updates regularly.



What is the Beta Environment?

The beta environment is designed for testing and quality assurance (QA) before changes are implemented in the production environment.

Beta Refresh:The beta environment is refreshed weekly. Any content added to or modified in the beta environment will be overwritten by content in the production environment every Saturday. Beta is unavailable during environment refreshes. The duration of this process may vary.

Beta Release: Updated features for the upcoming production release are available. This date varies by product. 


What is the Production Environment?

The production environment is the live system where users engage with the platform daily. 

  • Release Timing: Deployment times may vary by institution.
  • Accessibility: All production release dates are local to each region.

What is the Test Environment?

The test environment allows admins and instructors to test real data without affecting the production environment, such as adding users, testing course content, and/or troubleshooting issues. The test environment can also be configured with production-ready features, such as access to an institution's login authentication system.


  • If your institution lacks access to the test environment, consider using the beta environment for testing.
  • Not all tools are available in the test environment. Currently, the following Canvas tools are not available in the test environment:
    • New Quizzes (Canvas LMS)
    • Admin Analytics (Canvas LMS)
    • Canvas Mobile

Test Refresh: Reset occurs on the third Saturday of each month, coinciding with the production release. The environment is overwritten with production data.

Test Release: Updated features from the latest production release are available on the first Monday following the production release.

*An exact time when the test environment will be overwritten by production will vary for every organization.


Release Schedule by Product


Release Notes Published

Beta Environment Release

Production Environment Release

Test Environment Release

Canvas Deploy

Second and fourth Friday of the month

Second and fourth Thursday of the month

Second and fourth Wednesday of the month


Canvas Mobile

As Needed

Not Available

As needed

Not Available

Canvas Release

Third Wednesday of each month

Third Monday of the month.

Third Saturday of the month

First Monday after Production Release


Wednesday before release



Not Available


As Needed

Third Monday of the month- as needed

Third Saturday of the month-as needed

Not Available


Wednesday after Beta Release

Monday, two weeks before Production-As Needed

Monday- As Needed

Not Available

Elevate Data Sync 

As Needed

Not Available

As Needed - Monthly

Not Available

Elevate Standards Alignment

Last or first Thursday of the month

As Needed

Weekly, As Needed

Not Available

Impact and LTI Usage- Prod

Weekly on Tuesday

Not Available


Not Available

Impact - Content

Bi-weekly on Tuesday

Not Available

Bi-Weekly on Tuesday

Not Available

Intelligent Insights

As Needed

As Needed

Third Saturday of the month

Not Available

Mastery Connect

Friday-as needed

Not Available

Weekly on Thursday (As needed)

Not Available

Mastery Item Bank

As Needed

Not Available

As Needed

Not Available


As Needed

As Needed

Wednesdays (as needed)

Not Available

Canvas Release Calendar Summary

The image below displays all events that take place between Canvas production releases. The Canvas release is always the third Saturday of the month. Depending on the calendar month, the Canvas Beta Release Preview and Release Notes, may be adjusted by one week.

Only production release dates are local for all regions. All other events originate from US Mountain time as noted in Instructure Time Zone Communications‌.

Subscription Options:

Subscribed calendars automatically reflect updates, including feature deprecations and end-of-life announcements. Downloaded calendars do not include updates.

Release Events Overview:

  • Beta Refresh: Weekly, every Saturday.
  • Production Release: Third Saturday of each month
  • Test Refresh: Third Saturday of each month.
  • Test Release: First Monday after production release.

Canvas Release Calendar ExampleCanvas Release Calendar Example







Change Log


Fixed iCal and HTML subscription links.


Replaced calendar image with same one with the days of the week abbreviations up top.
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