Learner Records, Achievements, Recognition
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10:45 AM
Theme Overview
Increased property options and editing functionalities, frequent learner progress updates
What value could this provide to users?
- Able to have a multi select property type in custom badge properties, so that I can select more than one from the predefined property options.
- Able to re-order custom metadata fields as part of the editing functionality, so that I can re-arrange these fields even after submission.
- Able to see a larger image of the badge on the description page, so that I can differentiate between institutional brand and credential level.
- Able to change between automatic and manual awarding of a badge, so that I can have greater control and fewer issues that comes with deleting and recreating.
- Able to receive badge awards right away once progress has been made, so that I can be sure I did everything well.
Why was this theme chosen to open for voting? |
April 2023 • With the rise of digital badging issuance and sharing, both issuers and learners are looking for more robust and flexible badge management capabilities.
Why was this theme not chosen for prioritization? |
June 2023 • We have delivered on the multi-select in custom badge properties idea, our focus for 2H will be in key roadmap commitments such as Blueprint / course copy support.
Referenced Ideas (4)
Commenting on Themes is available when Themes are Open for Voting, In Development, or Prioritized.