Upcoming Conferences!

Community Coach
Community Coach

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Conferences, 'Cons, Virtuals, PDs, Instructional Days, Bootcamps, Fireside Chats.

Whatever you call them, they fill us with ideas, knowledge, and a burning desire to get back into action and put what we have learned into practice.  Often we leave and our wheels are spinning faster than the day or conference itself.

But how does one know about all of these amazing opportunities? Especially now as we've come out of a pandemic and we begin to return to in-person gatherings (HALLELUJAH!), and with more virtual or hybrid sessions as an option, allowing affordability and accessibility for many who wouldn't have been able to attend otherwise.

Let's create a space to post our local and regional Canvas days for the Community.

First and foremost, make sure you register for InstructureCon - Las Vegas before you start exploring any other conferences and PD!  You won't regret it!  Also, feel free to use this space to post comments for meet-ups, etc.  That's the best part!

Post what you know! (Please one conference per reply.)

  • Name of Conference / Gathering
  • Location / Sponsoring Institution
  • Featured Instructure Product: Canvas, Master, Elevate, Impact
  • URL to register
  • Date(s)
  • In-Person, Online, or Hyflex (In-person and Online)


And now I also resurrect my favorite hashtag #SoloPanda 🐼❤️


Listed in order by date



Virtual Virginia's Blended Learning Conference - "Blueprints for Better Blending"


  • https://www.sxswedu.com/
  • Austin, TX: March 4-7, 2024
  • In-Person
  • This experience unparalleled discovery, learning, professional development, and networking with educators from around the world.


North Carolina Technology in Education Society (NCTIES) Conference 2024

  • https://www.ncties.org/
  • Raleigh NC: March 6-8, 2024
  • In-person
  • Scholarships are available! Due date for scholarship applications is Nov 26, 2023.


Canvas Caravan - California

  • https://www.instructure.com/events/k12/canvas-caravan/california
  • Virtual: March 30, 2023 9-11am PST
  • "California, here we come. The Canvas Caravan is heading to a handful of cities across the state for get-togethers led by local institutions and Instructure insiders. Learn from their successes, get your questions answered, and swap stories with other Canvas-curious folks near you."


Washington State Canvas Conference (WACC)


The Consortium for School Networking (CoSN) Conference 2024


OLC Innovate 2024

  • https://onlinelearningconsortium.org/attend-2023/innovate/
  • Denver, CO: April 8-12, 2024
  • "OLC is the leading professional organization devoted to advancing quality online learning by providing professional development, instruction, best practice publications and guidance to educators, online learning professionals and organizations around the world."


Online Teaching Conference

  • CCC (California Community Colleges) TechConnect
  • Featured Instructure Product: Canvas, Master, Elevate, Impact
  • https://onlineteachingconference.org/
  • Long Beach Convention Center, CA: July 26-28, 2024
  • In-Person


InstructureCon 🐼 ❤️ 🎉   - #1 ON YOUR LIST

  • Save The Date! 
  • Las Vegas, NV: July 9-11, 2024
  • In-Person
  • Instructure - the makers of Canvas! 



2023 Conferences

  •  EduCause Chicago, IL Oct 9-12, 2023 - Link
  •  Northwest eLearning Community -  Newberg, Oregon Oct 13-14, 2023 - Link
  • OLA Accelerate -  Washington, DC Oct 24-27, 2023 - Link
  • HECC Conference - Indianapolis, IN: November 8-10, 2023 - Link 
  • VSTE - Virginia Society for Technology in Education - Roanoke, VA: Dec 3-5, 2023 - Link
  • Ditch Summit - Virtual Dec 11, 2023 - Jan 5, 2024 - Link
  • FETC - Future of Education Technology - Orlando, FL: Jan 23 - 26, 2024 - Link






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Event Date: Saturday, February 25, 2023 Event Time: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. EST Event Location: Fully online via live webinars and recorded presentations Learn more: virtualvirginia.org/pl/blend23 Questions? Contact Steven Sproles (steven.sproles@virtualva.org) IMPORTANT The conference will be hosted ...