Customizing Course Pacing

Community Participant

Hi all,

I had a couple of questions regarding customizing the course pacing tool:

  1. We don’t set due dates for our quizzes. Is there any way to remove them from the pacing list, and just have discussions and assignments include due dates?

  2. We set our discussions to be due at 8pm and our assignments at 3pm on their respective due dates. I don’t see an option to add a timestamp in the pacing tool. Is this possible? If not, what is the timestamp that is automatically generated?

  3. Is it possible to turn off the date adjustments for late enrolled students? We enroll students up to 4 days after the course starts but their due dates should not shift. (Instructure got back to me on this question and said it is not feasible to disable the date adjustment feature for late-enrolled students, but to ask this group for other suggestions.)

    Thanks all!