Blueprinting and Blackout Days experience

Community Explorer

We are a District that uses Blueprints for all our courses and syncing down to child courses at 21 different Sub-accounts.  We are open 365 days a year and have rolling enrollment for students, so Course Pacing was a perfect fit.   

The biggest challenge I ran into is syncing Blackout Days under Course pacing.  Even though you can create them under Blueprint Course pace, they do not sync down to child courses. But they do create duplicate entries under To-Do items and Calendars under child courses.  So, a workaround for me was Creating Course pace and Blackout days under Blueprint and running API Script to create Blackout Days under Child Courses. Syncing, then removing Blackout Days from Blueprints and sync again, to remove duplicates created under To-Do items and Calendars.  (very buggy) 

For schools like ours, what would work great is the ability to create Blackout Days under the Root account and Sub account level that affect all courses with Course pace. So, control is more under the Account level rather than the course level. 

Everything else seems to be working as expected.  I like the ability to lock Settings under Blueprint for Default Pace, so Child Course Teachers can only modify Individual Student Paces, which is a main point of the feature in my opinion. 

Some odd things would happen where Course Pace would initially grabe random pages or Assignments that were deleted as part of the initial Creation of the Course Pace.  I wish there was a way to remove these rogue items or reset the entire Course pace to start over, like resetting the course.  That is not possible at the moment, so you are stuck if that happens. 

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