Discussion problems - response posts or edits - not immediately visible

Community Participant

Is anyone else experiencing this? 

I do not allow students to edit.  But if I ask them to link a document and their link is not live - I often go in and edit the post to make the link live.  BUT the new board is not making MY EDIT immediately visible.  Like once I make the link live - I then hit post.  But all I see is the original post without my change.  So, I can't even click the new live link (that I edited) because it is not there. 

If I then hit refresh - the whole board moves around because it keeps the most current at the top (or I think you can make the oldest at the top) - but then still things move.

AND if I edit my own post in response to a student - I can't see the edited post until I refresh the board.


Another issue is - if I post and come back later to finish other responses... unless I leave the board open - I cannot tell where I left off posting responses.  I feel as if I have missed replying to students because of the constant movement of the board in its way of refreshing itself and moving the newest post to the top.  It seems even if a student replies to another student - that post is the newest - therefore that post is now on top.

I seriously have to HUNT to figure out where I left off.


I also really loath the multiple pages for board.  Come on - it is hard enough to get students to read - let alone click to go to the next page.

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