Missing Feature: Ability to view a single student's posts across all discussions

Community Participant

Hi all - new to the community so I hope this is the right place to post this suggestion.

Many of our faculty use discussions/forums as conversation starters for class, and thus give involvement in discussions a single participation grade. So what they really want is the ability to search for all postings by Student A, across all discussions, to review the quality and thoughtfulness of their posts. (As we all know, prolific posters/repliers don't always contribute meaningfully to a topic, so a stat showing how many posts they've completed isn't always the best metric of work.)

The search bar across the top of the Discussions page appears to allow instructors to search by student, but alas, silently fails when used that way. (apparently it only searches "authors", and an author is the one kicking off the discussion topics, usually the instructor.)

We would love to have this feature (which was available in our previous LMS) as it is extremely useful when grading quality, not just quantity, of student involvement.