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Enhanced Rubrics: Release Change Log

Enhanced Rubrics: Release Change Log

This document indicates feature updates in the Enhanced Rubrics project. The release date indicates the date the features will be available in the production environment. All noted updates can be tested in the beta environment in advance of its announced release date.





New Features

Student Self Assessments

Beta Environment Availability: 2025-02-17

When both the Enhanced Rubrics and Assignment Enhancements – Student feature previews are enabled, an Enable Self Assessment checkbox allows students to assess their own work using the assignment’s attached rubric. This checkbox and a tool tip display for instructors when a rubric is added to an assignment. Instructors can view student self-assessments in SpeedGrader. When the Enable Self Assessment checkbox is enabled, students can complete a self-assessment using the Self-Assess button after submitting an assignment.


  • Self Assessment is currently available on the web version of Canvas, with mobile access planned for later this year. 
  • Student self-assessments do not have grades and cannot be assigned a separate deadline apart from the assignment's due date. They also cannot be closed, allowing students the flexibility to complete them at any time while the assignment is open. 
  • The Enable Self Assessment checkbox is disabled if the due date has passed or if self-assessments have already been submitted.

Related Ideas: [Assignments] "Self Assessment", [Rubrics] Create a student-accessible rubric for self-assessments

Published 2025-02-19




Updated Features

Rubric Point Limit Removed [Added 2025-03-04]

Beta Environment Availability: 2025-03-03 

  • The 100-point maximum for rubrics is removed allowing instructors to set any point value.

Published 2025-03-04



New Features

Manage Rubrics in Assignment Details Page

  • In the Assignments page, instructors can select, edit, or create rubrics directly from the assignment details. They can access active rubrics, modify existing ones, and create new rubrics.

Published 2025-01-22



New Features

Rubric Assessments Imports and Exports

Beta Environment availability: 2025-12-16

  • In the Gradebook, instructors can bulk download rubric assessments for all students, only students with incomplete grading, or only students with completed grading. Instructors can also upload updated rubric assessments to the Gradebook to reflect changes in grading and feedback.

Related ideas: [Rubrics] Rubric Export, [Rubrics] Allow Importing of Rubrics from csv Format

Published 2024-12-17



New Features

Rubric CSV Export and Import

On the Rubrics page, instructors can export individual rubrics in CSV or XML formats and import them in the same formats directly into the Rubrics page. This allows instructors to create or reuse rubrics across courses, with a validation process in place to ensure data integrity and correct rubric mapping during upload.

Related Idea: [Rubrics] Allow Importing of Rubrics from csv Format


Sharing Rubrics at the Course Level

On the Rubrics page, instructors can copy rubrics from the current course to another course.

Related Idea: [Rubrics] Share using 'Copy To' and 'Send To'




Updated Feature

Enhanced Rubrics Feature Option Availability

  • The Rubic Enhancements feature option is renamed Enhanced Rubrics. Additionally, the Enhanced Rubrics feature option is available on the sub-account, and course levels. This feature option is Enabled/Unlocked by default in beta and Disabled/Unlocked in production.

Published 2024-08-16

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This feature as it currently stands is not robust or useful.  In trying to use it, the following significant limitations have been encountered:

#1 The tool does not properly retain points values for given ratings.  For example, if I have a 3 level scale of "FULLY ACHIEVED", "PARTYIALLY ACHIEVED", and "NOT ACHIEVED" and assign the points 1, .5, and 0 to each entry for a given Criteria, the rubric import causes these to have point values of 1, 0, and 0.

#2 The tool will re-arrange Rating names and descriptions on a criteria by criteria basis.  For example, the following is a simplification of what is seen when a rubric is generated. For example, the columns shown would be:




In essence, the tool is completely losing the order of certain rows when they are imported.

I'm also not able to find a rubric that I imported on the assignment page to use it for grading.


We are seeing this too. It is making faculty grade incorrectly if they don't realize the columns are out of order.

When testing the import we mostly get the message that the import could not be effected due to incorrect data format. However, we are not able to detect why the import is not compatible. The error messages should be more detailed for the user to be able to correct their importfile.

I copied a rubric (linked to an assignment) from one course to another but was not able to edit the points in the copied rubric. The copied rubric was not linked to an assignment. Is this a known issue?



What phase are we in? Some of the items here were described as part of "Phase II" - but the most crucial Phase II item (multiple rubrics) has not been mentioned anywhere recently. What is the timeline for that? The timeline in this user group has not been updated since August: 

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