Changing students' accounts to accounts

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I had created free for teacher account under and it took me a while to realize it conflicts with other teacher's accounts since they all made their accounts under This was the beginning to so many issues that I cannot list all here. To solve this I had to create a new account under and export all my courses from K12 account and import to my Canvas account.  

The problem started when I invited new students (who had never used Canvas before) using my K12 account. To make matters more confusing, some of my homeroom students accepted my course invitation first and others accepted invitations from other teachers who are using the Canvas account. These students are getting "ACCESS DENIED" warnings and many more which I have a hard time troubleshooting. I also have a student who is the only one who sees a course that does not exist and cannot delete from her dashboard. 

I would like to transfer all students to the Since not much content has been taught, the student can delete their account and start afresh. I tried to create a student account without an invitation and this seemed impossible. 

How can this issue be solved? Would be grateful for your contribution. 

Also, when I add students to the course some students get options to select the account while others don't. Refer to the attached image "Add People 1.png". Does this mean that these students have 2 accounts or IDs? 

If you observe the second attached image (after I made the selection) there are other students who did not appear in the selection screen above but appear as K12 Free For Teacher. 

How is it that some students have more than 1 account or ID? 

Really need your help. 


1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Thank you for including those screenshots, @kinddeer. What they show me is that both of those Canvas instances have a Trust relationship, which means that a user ID created for one instance can be used to enroll in courses on the other (lots of information about Trust on the Trust user accounts page). Email is the username on both instances, so it makes sense why you see multiple users for the same address. That means that address has been used to create user accounts on both instances.

Understanding why does not lead to how to fix the problem. For that, I recommend selecting the Help menu in Global Navigation. Your situation aligns well with the examples given on the  Canvas Free-for-Teacher FAQ  page.

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