No Need to Blame Canvas

Community Coach
Community Coach

Resources for InstructureCon 2017‌ presentation - No Need to Blame Canvas - coming soon!


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Community Participant

Looking forward to any of the resources that you load here.  Was so bummed I couldn't make it to your first session (full), and your second session with James was great until we got evacuated.  So many good resources (Canvancements) that I currently use, and some new ones I hadn't even tested.

Was happy that I already use greasemonkey to rearrange my course cards and didn't really need that (since you were in the middle of it), but sad that James didn't get to cover bulk changing course dates with google sheets since I'm sure he would have gotten a great ovation!

Community Coach
Community Coach

Thanks Ken! It's been a crazy busy week and I'll get the resources posted ASAP! And yes, both James and I were quite disappointed that we didn't get to finish his Canvancement session. 😞

Community Participant

Awesome Kona, I'll look forward to seeing those (especially if some of the super secret new tools James was going to demo are shown).  

Definitely one of the biggest highlights of the conference for me was being able to meet you two!!   Your daughters are so cute too, can't say enough good things about how great it was to meet you guys.  Thanks again for for everything you do for those of us that rely on your/James' resources.

Community Novice

Kona, this session was one of (if not THE) most valuable of the entire conference.  Thank you for making such practical resources available!  I have been checking out your Canvas Instructor course in Commons, and it's wonderful!  Can't wait to "borrow" some of it -- with credit given, of course!  Thank you!

Community Coach
Community Coach

Wow, that's very nice of you to say and much appreciated! We love helping people in the Community and it really was great to meet some of the people we interact with in the Community in person! 

Community Coach
Community Coach

**Blushing** Thank you! That really means a lot! When we first started using Canvas we didn't have the Community or access to these types of resources, so we learned a lot the hard way! Because of this I want to help others on their journey by sharing as much useful information and resources as I can!

Community Novice

Hi Kona, Was wonderful to attend your presentation at InstructureCon0017. Traveled up from Melbourne Australia and this session and your other session on Student Retention resonated with me.

We (RMIT University) are transitioning from Bb to Canvas and I took away many great tips for our student and teaching cohort from your presentations, thank you.

Community Coach
Community Coach

 @michael_fedyk , Excellent! I'm glad you got useful information from both sessions and it's also great to hear that what I covered/talked about was applicable both in the US and beyond!! I would love to hear more about your story of how your transition is going and what has worked the best, etc. Have you thought about blogging about it in the Community?

Community Contributor

 @kona ‌ this was a great presentation at #instcon2017‌.  It was great to think about all the big and little things that can happen in Canvas.  It was great to meet you too.  

Community Coach
Community Coach

Thank you! And yes, getting to meet people from the Community (like you!) in person was one of the highlights of InstCon for me!

Community Participant

Thank you Kona and James for your sessions at instructurecon. I too got a lot out of both of them! I previously did do a mass update of course assignment dates, and I'm not sure if I ever said thank you for posting that tool/instructions. So helpful! Thank you for all you do in the community. I know there's other lurkers (like me!) that might not always participate in the threads, but goodness we learn so much by reading what everyone else has done!

Community Contributor

Hi Kona


I’m new as a Canvas Admin, making the jump from being a faculty and adjunct faculty member. 


I was in your “Don’t Blame Canvas” session last week and found it so helpful.  Was also in the Canvancements and likewise amazing stuff. 


I heard you mention during Don’t Blame Canvas that you use Dropout Detective in your incidence of Canvas.  We use it here as well and I’m wondering what you support as best practices for faculty who do not give points or grade attendance?  Our faculty for face to face classes are required to take attendance but many do not use and do not like the Roll Call attendance column in the gradebook.


I’m looking at simply marking it as a non-graded assignment as that seems to be simplest, but I would love to hear your thoughts and how it works on your campus.

Thank you

Sara Udelhofen 

Community Coach
Community Coach

 @udelhsar , I'm glad you found my session helpful and it's also cool to meet another Dropout Detective user! 🙂

We actually don't use DD for our traditional courses for the very reason you mention. When we first started using it, it seemed impossible to get all of the faculty to use grades and attendance so we decided to focus on online courses. Yet, we are now looking at branching out and starting to include some of our hybrid and traditional courses, but if we do we are going to end up requiring faculty to use Roll Call. My guess is that we'll make it a non-graded assignment though and have faculty create their own assignment in the gradebook if they want to assign a grade for attendance.

Community Novice

Loved your presentation on Don't Blame Canvas. We are in the process of planning a presentation and I was wondering if you could post your presentation.  We would like to share your tips with our instructional team before the school year starts. 

Community Participant

Great Presentation! Realy good summary of the issue that students and instructors have. - I would also be interested in the presentation slides 

Community Champion

Considering the posts here, I really regret not getting to the conference room faster.  By the time I got there (10 minutes before start time, the crowd was packed in and I couldn't even get through the doors.  Looking forward to watching the recording if there is one, and/or seeing any materials you post.