Calendar Sign Up Option for Students from Student App


Students use their phones for everything.  One thing I love about Canvas is the student app but they cannot sign up for appointments on the calendar through the app.  Adding this option would make this feature run smoothly for faculty members who use this feature several times throughout the semester.  I am not even including my advising load!

Community Champion

Voted! Thanks,  @misimmo1  for submitting this idea; a version of this same idea was recently archived.  I'm sharing this with Canvas Mobile Users Group‌.

Community Novice

Yes this is important.  I just found several students who could not find this feature on the app and so they did not schedule an appointment with me - even though they really needed help.  Small barriers stop some of them in their tracks.  often students who need the most help.

Community Participant

It would also be great if staff could have the calendar feature on the staff app as it would be very handy to keep up to date with student meetings and tutorials when running between lectures!

Community Champion

 @claire_obrien  great comment! Out of curiosity, do your staff use the Canvas Teacher app, or a different mobile app?

Community Participant

 @RobDitto  some staff use it but it is a limited number. The feedback I have received from staff is that the functions on the app aren't particularly relevant to what they would need it for but this new feature would make it a lot more useful.

Community Participant

Yes, this is important. We use this feature a lot these days! And we do have many questions from students because it does not work on their mobile apps. 

Community Member

This is great - want this feature!

Community Explorer

This feature would be great! A huge percentage of our students are using the Canvas app. 

Community Member

This is not only a good idea for implementation. It is really to ask that a feature that should already be working, should actually work.

Community Novice

I don’t have access to my computer right now and I wanted to reserve an office hours appointment with my teacher on my phone, but I can’t.

Community Member
The app needs to be more robust. Students have to through a non-Google webpage to sign-up for appointments with teachers. It would be great if they could do that directly from the app.
Community Explorer

The student calendar is read-only on iOS and only supports adding calendar events on Android, therefore students can't sign up for events on either platform via the Canvas app.  Please implement a feature where students can sign up for appointments via mobile apps.

Community Explorer

This feature will be great for the app. 

Community Participant

Yes! We need this!

Community Explorer

Our school is promoting the use of Canvas mobile for staffs, as we know a lot of students make use of the Canvas student app. However, we noticed this essential feature Managing Appointment Slot cannot be used on Canvas Mobile by both staff and students. Adding this will be beneficial.  



Community Member

Currently, students cannot sign up for Scheduler appointments or create events in the Canvas Mobile app. This is a functionality that needs to be added, because so many students rely upon their mobile devices for interacting with their online instructors / coursework and with their college advisors.

Many of our college advisors use Canvas Calendar appointments to schedule appointments with their online advisees. A very large population of students rely upon their mobile devices for connecting with instructors and advisors outside of class time. Not having the full functionality that would allow them to schedule appointments with their instructors or advisors creates a significant barrier for students, and reinforces major inequities for our higher education students. 

Community Participant

Most of my students access Canvas via the mobile app.   I use the Canvas scheduler fairly heavily and really need them to be able to schedule appointments with me via the mobile app rather than only through a computer.

I'd like to add this as a new idea for consideration.  Given how much our students use smart phones (and the fact that some do NOT have regular access to a computer), it's important that the calendar feature be more accessible.   

Community Coach
Community Coach
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As part of the new Ideas & Themes process, all ideas in Idea Conversations were reviewed by the Product Team. Any Idea that was associated with an identified theme was moved to the new Idea & Themes space. Any Idea that was not part of the move is being marked as Archived. This will preserve the history of the conversations while also letting Community members know that Instructure will not explore the request at this time.

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