[Inbox] Email (message) multiple classes at one time

Instructors often want, or are asked, to share news and information of importance to all our classes.  Currently, that means copying and pasting that information into anywhere from 2-5 different classes.  Given that there is a drop down box for choosing a class to message currently, adding the ability to select multiple classes seems like it would be an easy "fix".  Please add this capability ASAP.
Community Member

Well, thanks for trying!  Any votes would help.  We can cross our fingers - up to 27 so far!

Community Novice

I think that, more generally, we want the functionality that is basic to any email system that I've ever seen. Within the dialogue box to select recipients, I want to be able to hold down the control key and click on all intended recipients. Not only might I want to send the same message to multiple classes, I might want to send the same message to multiple groups or to multiple people under a category such as multiple students.

Community Novice

Can anyone explain if this is doable and already exists as a Canvas function? I had the same course being taught to three different classes last semester. And I kept thinking there had to be a way to unify all three instead of tripling all of the uploading of files, assignments, announcements, etc!!! This semester I have two courses being taught to four different groups. Help!

I'd like to see if this is already possible before I add another request and ask for voting.

Thank you

Community Member

Hi, you don't need to add a request.  Just vote for this one (above.)  Thanks!

Community Novice

I currently use "Cross-List" function to manage my multiple sections. Then you will post files and announcements at the master site and all students from all sections will be able to see the files and announcements. Assignments and quizzes can be done in the similar way as well and if you wish, you can make different due dates for different sections on one assignment.

Community Novice

I did vote.

But it seemed my request might be different enough to warrant a separate one.



Bernie Stanich

Visiting Lecturer

Visual Communication Design

Herron School of Art and Design

Indiana University, IUPUI

735 W. New York Street

Rm 162

Indianapolis, IN 46202-5222

317-278-2770 office<tel:317-626-5828>



Community Member

Hi -

Yes, sorry.  I agree that would definitely be worth another post.  In the past, I combined several sections of the same course in Oncourse, and it made life so much easier!  If you do, let us know, and I will certainly vote for that, too.  (I do think these are separate issues, though - many of us want to be able to email multiple classes which aren't necessarily the same course.)



Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

 @bastanic ​, does your school support cross listing of courses? See How do I use cross-listing in an account? and How do I cross-list a section in a course?​ Although the guide refers to "sections," in fact, each course created in Canvas can be considered a class or section. I teach the same course to four different sections and without cross-listing, I'd be quadrupling my effort. With cross-listing, all four sections can reside under a unified umbrella. And, if you need to assign different due dates to your different classes, you can use the Differentiated Assignments feature: What do Differentiated Assignments look like in Canvas?

Community Champion

Already over 100 votes in 2 days. I don't know if I've seen a feature request reach the threshold that quickly!   That should tell you something, Instructure. Smiley Happy


Hey Mark,

In Canvas you actually can hold down the control key to select multiple recipients - not that this addresses the multi-class issue.

In this video I first select multiple recipients one at a time without hold down control (on a Macbook) and then a second time selecting multiple in one operation with the control key held down:

2016-03-04_0812 - Scott.Dennis's library