[Admin Tools] Allow Field Admin ability to customize prebuilt feature permission admin roles

Problem statement:

While assigning one of my designers to a feature permission group (role), I noted that the group I wished to assign them to did not have all of the permissions I needed them to have. After clicking the button that allows us to edit permissions for each group, I was dismayed to discover that I was not allowed editing access to any of the pre-built roles. To give my designers the access that they need in Impact, I had to create a new role, duplicating one of the pre-built roles, but allowing me to add the extra permissions. That is not how permissions groups work in Canvas, so I thought it odd. Mentioning it to my Customer Care Rep, we discovered that she had the ability to edit at least some of the permissions in the roles that I was locked out of.

Proposed solution:

Extend permissions for editing feature permission groups to Field Admins. Field admins know what permissions their people will need. Creating custom permission groups when only one or two changes could be made to the prebuilt roles doesn't make sense, and is not in line with the Canvas UI. Giving editing permissions to our Customer Reps adds an unnecessary step for field admins, not to mention adding an extra task for the Customer Reps to manage for their accounts. There is also the, mildly irritating, action of having to scroll past all of the- almost, but not quite, right- prebuilt permission groups to get to the custom groups every time we need to make a change or add a new designer, builder, manager, etc. That action tends to remind us that there could be a better way to do this.

User role(s):


Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Added to Theme

This idea has been added to a theme for further consideration.

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: New
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Open