[Walkthroughs] Walkthroughs available to end-users On Demand

Problem statement:

Walk-throughs are great, but deployment can be cumbersome when targeting groups of people/courses. End-users would contact support, then support would potentially give them support documents or refer them to local admin. This creates a large amount of downtime when the end-users cannot get work completed.

Proposed solution:

When end-users need help on a Canvas tool or meeting organization guidelines, it would be great if they could launch their own walk-through in any course they are an instructor or student to get granular and more targeted support to accomplish a task at hand. I would envision this as part of the support tab from IMPACT and a part of the KB in that support area.

User role(s):


Added to Theme

On-demand Walkthroughs Theme Status: Identified

1 Comment
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Added to Theme

This idea has been added to a theme for further consideration.