Introducing: Panda Bot

pandabotFeatured Content (1200 × 200 px).png
Published on ‎08-07-2023 12:07 PM by Community Team | Updated on ‎08-07-2023 12:09 PM

The Community is excited about adding Panda Bot, an AI search tool that will enhance Community searches across product families - Canvas, Mastery, Elevate, and Impact. The launch of Panda Bot aligns with the busiest time of year for the Instructure Community and Support.


During this demo, the Community team will share:

  • An overview of Panda Bot
  • A demo of how to search with Panda Bot
  • Links to the official documentation


A recording will be available a day or two after the event concludes.

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Tue, Aug 29, 2023 12:00 PM MDT
Tue, Aug 29, 2023 12:30 PM MDT
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Community Team


Here are some resources from today's event:


The recording from today will be available here for 60 days.


We plan to have another Instructure Live event focusing on Panda Bot in late October to share what we've learned in the first two months working with Ada Support, and I will be sure to leave a comment with the event details here when it's ready.

For the Community members who joined us today, thank you! If anyone has follow-up questions, feel free to share them in a comment here or email