How do I use Panda Bot (beta) in the Instructure Community?

Panda Bot (beta) is a generative AI tool that is currently being tested by the Instructure Community.

Panda Bot references official Instructure product documentation and written resources to answer your questions in a quick, clear, and friendly chat bot format.

Panda Bot can be accessed from any page in your browser window, but you must be logged in to the Instructure Community to use the chat feature.

Note: During the testing period, Instructure will evaluate the chat bot experience to determine if Panda Bot will become a permanent feature of the Community.

Log In to Panda Bot  

Log In to Panda Bot

To open Panda Bot, click the Panda Bot icon [1].

In the Panda Bot window, links to frequently used guides and resources display [2].

To chat with Panda Bot, you must be logged in to the Instructure Community. To log in, click the Sign In button [3].

Open Panda Bot

When you are logged in to the Instructure Community, the Panda Bot icon displays.  To begin a chat from any page, click the Panda Bot icon.  

Begin Chat

Start Chat

The Panda Bot welcome message displays. To ask a question, click the Start a new chat button.

Submit Question

Submit Question

Enter your question in the Chat field [1]. Then click the Submit button [2].

View Answer

View Answer

As Panda bot searches the Instructure guides, the confirmation message displays [1].

When Panda bot has an answer, it displays in the chat window [2].

Note: If the question you ask is too broad, Panda bot may ask you to provide additional details.

Manage Chat Settings

Manage Chat Settings

To open the settings menu, click the More icon [1].

To turn on sound notifications, click the Turn on Sound option [2].

To request an email transcript of the chat, click the Email transcript option [3].

To download a transcript of the chat, click the Download Transcript option [4].

Manage Chat Window

Manage Chat Window

To minimize the chat window but keep the chat active, click the Minimize icon [1].

To end the chat, click the Close icon [2]. Then, in the confirmation window, click the End Chat button [3].  

Note: After you end a chat, it will continue to display in your chat history and will be visible the next time you open Panda Bot.