InstCarn Recap: Day 2 - Session 3 - Advanced Gamification

Community Coach
Community Coach


Project Delphinium helps to "skin" Canvas for gamification, using the core motivational mechanics of games and applies them to educational content to increase the students desire to learn the content.

Session Notes

Move From the Sideshow to the Big Tent With ADVANCED Gamification in Canvas

 @jared_chap  | Assistant Professor | Utah Valley University


2012- I wish students were as addicted to my homework as they are their phones.
Delphinium is growing
What is gamification?
The power of games
About 40% of population are considered gamers.
Gamification is everywhere. McD’s monopoly is gamification
Educational Gamification is not a game.
Learning games are expensive and time consuming.
Gamification draws the motivational part out of the game and apply it to a non-game experience.
People play games because they want to but school work is required.
Gamification get results; 72% stayed it was more fun and is true of all demographics.
We have a responsibility to our students’ success!
To increase motivation
  • Competence
  • Autonomy
  • Relatedness
Backwards design
  • Outcomes
    • Better grades
    • Decrease WFDs
    • Deeper knowledge
  • Attitudes & Behavior
    • Skill
    • Will
    • Thrill
  • Game Elements
    • Audit
Project Delphinium is an LTI skin that allows interactive widgets/dashboard.
Can’t move pieces of older architecture
Newer architecture allow for things to be easily swapped around.
Canvas & PD allows this easy swap.

*All of the content here is from my live session notes or straight from my memory. This means that I may miss something or be mistaken in my content. Please feel free to add to, put in context, or correct any mistakes by using the comments below.