Recap Stats for InstCon17

Community Participant

Hi Fellow Pandas,

I'm recapping my InstructureCon 0017 experience via a slideshow to share with my fellow school employees.

My main mission with this slideshow is to pitch the value of attending InstructureCon in person to my admin.  While I am certain many more staff members in my school will want to attend next year, (after hearing how awesome the conference is), I want to be a little more analytical to show a return on investment to my superintendent and other school leaders. I hope to convince 1-4 admins to attend next year so they can see for themselves how meaningful attendance can be for them and other staff.

With that in mind, do any of you have numbers or infographics that I could use in my slideshow that tell the story of how many teachers, admin, and designers attended?  How many attendees total?  How many keynotes, and how many classes?  I am especially interested in numbers for the K-12 audience, but I want to include everthing.

I'm certain I can get some of this intel from the app or online, but if you already have it compiled, would you be willing to share?

Thanks in advance!

Shauna Altman

Baker Web Academy