Are you traveling alone to InstructureCon 2019? #SoloPandas unite!

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Way back in 2017 Deactivated user asked other Wandering Pandas Flying Solo to InstructureCon to join together and  @BethCrook  suggested SoloPandas as an identifier help those traveling alone to meet up. Thus the solopandas hashtag on Twitter and in the Community was born, bringing solo travelers and small groups together at Mission InstructureCon 2017 and again at InstructureCarn 2018.

The folks I met through solopandas‌ made each InstructureCon even better, so in that tradition-- 

Will you be a solo panda at InstructureCon this year? 


InstructureCon 2019

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There's no need to hide in your room with so many solopandas around! I'm lucky enough to be traveling with colleagues this year, and you are welcome to join us-- the more the merrier! I can't wait to see what the Instructure folks have planned for the big events this year!

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