Photographs have the ability to capture moments, especially at InstructureCon.

Community Coach
Community Coach

Photographs have the ability to capture moments, preserving the essence of an event long after it's over, and allowing us to revisit cherished memories with vivid detail. They also tend to ignite excitement and anticipation for upcoming events and adventures that lie ahead.  As my memories keep reappearing in my social accounts over the past week or so of past InstructureCons, I find myself growing even more excited, if that's even possible, about our upcoming exploration together!

2016 - Keystone Colorado "Camp Canvas"

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2018 - Keystone Colorado #stepsforbeth crew after walking 17 million steps!

2023 - Denver Colorado Panda opportunities are key!


 Now share your favorite photos from past InstructureCons!  And if this is your first time attending, feel free to join into the conversation or ask questions!

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Community Coach

Thanks @BethCrook for sharing those pictures and for starting this discussion. My favorite is actually a video that I made in 2021, when InstructureCon was entirely online and I think asynchronous. I decided to see what would happen if I attended 24 sessions at the same time. The video/audio sync is a bit janky in the beginning, but it's easy to see why after I finish my explainer.

Community Coach
Community Coach

WOW @ProfessorBeyrer ! 

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Community Coach

I'm so grateful for the photos I have - I love to remember the people I met and the high points of the keynotes as well as important nuggets of information from the sessions.  And then each year in my memories I love to be reminded of these memorable moments!  Can't wait to see you again in Vegas!

Community Coach
Community Coach

My first InstructureCon gave us MC Hammer, a time-traveling DeLorean, and plenty of 80's nostalgia.



Cool video of the DeLorean

The following year (2014) brought a blizzard - in June.  Okay, maybe not a storm, but enough dusting for us to build a snowman.


Community Coach
Community Coach

Well looking over my pictures really revealed that I need to take more pictures. 🤣 

Here are a few through the years.

2014 - Calling All Heroes


I'm from the south. This is the biggest snowman I have ever built and the only one in June!


My first conference presentation was at InstructureCon!


2015 - Student Centered Learning


Sneaky Selfie with Kenneth


My first Game Night. 


Sometimes making friends at Game Night finds you doing some things. Especially when you play until 1am.

2016 - Camp Canvas

😥 I didn't get to go to this one

2017 - 0017: Mission Possible


This was the first time I got to bring my family. One of my favorite memories was getting out on the lake in the paddle boat with my boys.

2018 - InstructureCarn


Getting to meet Michael Bonner was a highlight.


Theming for the carnival was outstanding. Even Panda got into it.


Of course it was great to win big at the closing celebration.

2019 - Learning Safari



Getting to hang out with these folks in California was a bonus.

2020 - CanvasCon online


It is was what it was and we did the best we could do.

2021 - InstructureCon online


Still trying to make the best of it, but definitely not the same.

2022 - ICON


2023 - Making Moments


Back in person and I got to bring a team for the first time!


Finally got to meet some people in person, like @christopher_gil 


The Educational Moments of the Future Exhibit was amazing!


This year, I am going to try and capture a bit more. If you find me in Vegas, make sure we get a picture!


Community Coach
Community Coach

I love your year to year collection, @mjennings   I vividly remember you pushing me on the sidewalk along the street back to our hotel one night.  I’m assuming that was Long Beach?

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Community Coach

Yes @BethCrook it was Long Beach. going from the aquarium part back over to hack night, if I remember correctly. Also one of my favorite memories. I was grateful to be able to do some small part to help out a fellow member of our Canvas family. It was truly my pleasure and a joy to push you along, meet your daughter and just get a few minutes to talk without the chaos of the rest of the conference around us.

Community Coach
Community Coach


There are so many pictures, but I'll share one from hanging out in the Community Lounge!



Val King