Just a Man Behind the Curtain

Community Participant

I recently saw a post from 3 years ago https://community.canvaslms.com/groups/higher-ed/blog/2015/09/02/last-stand-of-the-late-adopters?sr=... that discussed how it is hard to effectively connect with our colleagues who are coming late to the tech party. How do we get them up to speed effectively through professional development on to how best use an LMS? The topic is still a very real one for many schools in the K-12 scene. It seems like this group of late comers wants everything to be magical...even supernatural...think The Jetsons meets Disney World meets the Wizard of Oz. And then at the first sign of trouble...a broken link, a misplaced file...spotty WiFi and they are all out of sorts proclaiming the advent of the apocalypse at the hands of Skynet. 

So the challenge becomes how to best support this group of johnny come latelys. For what its worth, my approach has always been to show them how my life is easier because of the technology I employ!" And to help them start small!  I mean that is the definition of technology after all to make life easier. The concept of a flipped classroom can really be a break for your vocal chords. So many times I find myself up in front of my class like I'm David Blaine or some vaudevillian road act...and that can be stressful and fatiguing. As we get older it can be harder to always have some inspirational Dead Poets Society moment up our sleeve. The advantage of learning how to integrate digital media into our classrooms is that it gives you a break from the antiquated and overrated 'sage on a stage' philosophy. Now we can switch gears and get a much deserved rest from being up on stage all day every day and instead spend our time collaborating and providing individualized feedback through online quizzes and surveys or even commenting in real time on live Google Docs. We can also supplement in modules to help them become independent learners through webquests and wiki trails!.

The best work I see from my students is when I create a vision of "why" we are studying any given topic and then I let them create the "what" and the "how" we achieve it!...something I was inspired to think more closely about after watching Simon Sinek's  classic TED talk on "How great leaders inspire action" as well as Angela Lee Duckworth's talk on "Grit: the power of passion and perseverance" and lastly Christopher Emdin's "Teaching teachers magic"

Our kids deserve better and we deserve a more effective way to teach while not wearing ourselves out! Let's save our energy and make sure we can endure, because our students need educators like us in their lives. We have work to do!

So in closing, If you build it (and maintain it)...they will come: colleagues and students alike! 

Community Champion

Powerful words Jonathan.

In particular 'The best work I see from my students is when I create a vision of "why" we are studying any given topic and then I let them create the "what" and the "how" we achieve it!'


When it's clear in the teacher's head and communicated well then magic happens. https://community.canvaslms.com/thread/18565-creating-a-purpose 

Thanks for the links to watch. I'm sure they will inspire.

Thank you!

Community Contributor

Thanks  @jayoder ‌. Will be using your blog as a discussion point for a training afternoon next week if that is okay. Making teachers' lives easier has always been one of our reasons for getting an LMS and hopefully, all staff are starting to see the benefits, no matter how small. 



#callaghancollegewallsendcampus#callaghancollege‌  @david_summervi1 ‌

Community Participant

Absolutely! Let me know how it goes! Im glad you found it helpful!

Community Participant

 @stacy_lambert  I ended up developing a presentation that was sent out to my colleagues that was my actionable...Usually I blog to help get me focused to actually DO something so I don't get complacent and stale! Smiley Happy

Feel free to check it out. 

Community Contributor

Wow  @jayoder ‌ you are a dead set legend. (BTW - that is Aussie for really good! Smiley Happy)

Thanks for sharing!!!!



Community Participant

I'm well versed in Aussie, my stepmother was from Alice Springs! Always was a jar of Vegemite in the cupboard. Smiley Happy 

Community Novice

 @stacy_lambert ‌ &  @jayoder  - yes this is an ongoing question for our district as we move forward to roll out 1:1 at all our schools. We have all of our HS and this year we've brought in our MS - next year we start with our ES.  It is a true statement that the wish if for tech to be "magically" perfect, with no learning curve or troubles.  (I remember having trouble with the ink in the mimeograph machine, but no one was saying we needed to go back to hand written work sheets. LOL)  

I like the reminder to start smart (saving time & improving productivity) and small. (Don't eat the entire Golden Coral Buffet, but the small plates that make sense.)

I too would like to use this blog for future PD with our staff.  Thanks for putting it out there!

Community Participant

Absolutely, I'm going to keep blogging as  we continue to roll out Canvas to our HS this spring in preparation for next year's live roll out. We should keep in communication, I'm sure we can both learn a lot from each other! Smiley Happy Are you going to instructurecon2018??? I just registered! 

Community Novice

Thanks @Jonathan Yoder, but I won't be atinstructurecon2018.  Maybe another time??  You are sure to get a lot out of it!