Angel to Canvas

Community Novice

How do I place exported Angel  old courses into my Canvas sandbox?

Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello  @ranksr ​...

I don't have an answer for you, but I wanted to let you know that I will share your question with the LMS & Migrations​ Group here in the Canvas Community in hopes that it will get some additional exposure.  If you are not yet following this group, you can do so by clicking on the link I have provided and then click on the "Follow" link at the top right corner of the group page.  I hope this will be of help to you.

Community Contributor

We migrated from Angel to Canvas a few years ago. I just redid all my courses from scratch. My situation may be a special case. I had duplicate files on my local drive that had been on Angel. They were dropped in place in the Files section. As for self-designed Web pages ... I never used them on Angel, so I did not need them on Canvas. Same for on-line exams and assignments ... no use for them. I did use Surveys in Angel. They are not the same in Canvas ... with some striking pros and cons that take getting used to. The one striking difference in a good way with Canvas versus Angel is the Discussions. They have no equivalent in Angel. The one striking difference in a bad way with Canvas is the lack of the Angel Common Repository unless you have the newest version of Canvas.

Hope this helps you decide how to proceed.



Community Coach
Community Coach

 @ranksr ​, it looks like you've gotten a lot of great information on migrating from Angel to Canvas.

Yet, the specific answer to your question can be found on this video - Adding Angel course content to Canvas - YouTube (I created this back in 2013 to help our faculty when we transitioned) and this guide - How do I import content from Angel into Canvas? (this is the official Canvas guide on how to import Angel content into Canvas).

One thing, just to be clear and maybe I misunderstood from your original question, but I would not recommend importing multiple Angel courses into one Canvas sandbox. I'd add each individual Angel course into it's own Canvas sandbox/course.

Hope this helps!