Migration-related problems

Community Novice

Tried importing various Bb 9 archive files into Canvas over the past few months, and all but one of them has failed to import.  The importation times out, regardless of my browser or connection.  The one exception produced an import that was virtually useless, as much of my content was missing, and other bits were located in very odd places.  Have any of you experienced this?  We're considering switching to Canvas.

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Community Coach
Community Coach
Community Novice

Hi, Kona,

Yes, I've done all those things each time I've attempted to migrate content. The issue seems to be migrating the actual data correctly without timing out.


Dr. J-C

Dr. Andrew Jones-Cathcart

Professor of Philosophy

College of the Canyons

Santa Clarita, CA 91355

661.259.7800 ext. 5378


"Life can only be understood backwards, but must be lived forwards."

-Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855)

Community Coach
Community Coach

Well that's frustrating! Sounds like you might need reinforcements! Are you using Canvas through your Institution or through a Free for Teachers account?

If you are using Canvas through your Institution then I would contact them for help troubleshooting this - College of the Canyons Distance Learning Office Contact Information

If you are using a Free for Teachers account then I would recommend contacting Canvas support. You can do this by going to the page in Canvas that shows that the import is timing out, click on the Help Link in Canvas (upper right corner), and "Report a Problem."

Hope this helps and let us know what you find out!

Community Novice

Using it through my institution. Canvas set up a sandbox account for us to evaluate it. We currently use Blackboard.


Dr. J-C

Dr. Andrew Jones-Cathcart

Professor of Philosophy

College of the Canyons

Santa Clarita, CA 91355

661.259.7800 ext. 5378


"Life can only be understood backwards, but must be lived forwards."

-Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855)

Community Coach
Community Coach

Then I'd definitely contact Online/LMS support at your Institution and if they can't get it figured out, then have them escalate it to Canvas support. As far as I'm aware, most content transfers over into Canvas pretty well, so hopefully this is something they can get straightened out for you!

Community Novice

That's what I'm thinking. I've heard of some issues migrating content, but not this bad. I'm hoping to escalate it by contacting one of the reps who demonstrated Canvas for us back in March.


Dr. J-C

Dr. Andrew Jones-Cathcart

Professor of Philosophy

College of the Canyons

Santa Clarita, CA 91355

661.259.7800 ext. 5378


"Life can only be understood backwards, but must be lived forwards."

-Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855)

Community Participant

Just an opinion but...

We have found that migrating Blackboard courses to Canvas less than satisfactory. In our experience it's actually a bad idea.  It gives the new user a bad initial impression of Canvas.  Copying over just a good clean set of course material files and building from scratch has made for a much better course and faculty experience.  The migration function creates a page for every "Item" in a Blackboard course.  These courses become unwieldy and you generally have to go in and totally restructure the course to give the student a good user experience.

You might look into the Canvas Commons.  It contains lots of ideas and material.  You can also create templates for your instructors to use.  It gives them a starting point.

Community Coach
Community Coach

 @ssnider ​, that's great information! We migrated from Angel and our experience was the opposite. Content from Angel moved over into Canvas beautifully. Yes, some things still needed tweaked and adjusted, but overall our faculty were really happy with the way the content moved over and was displayed in Canvas.

Community Participant

We had a lot of faculty moving content from Blackboard to Canvas and came up with some tips and tricks:

Make sure to use Firefox for Blackboard.

In Blackboard:

Course Management > Packages and Utilities > Export/Archive Course

Export Package

  1. Select Course Materials


-  All Content Areas

-  Announcements

-  Grade Center Columns and Settings

-   Tests, Surveys, and Pools


The computer will create a zip file and the process may take up to 5 minutes.

Refresh window (perhaps multiple times)

Once you receive email that export package has been created, save (hover on zip file name, look for down arrow, click open) it to computer.

In Canvas:

Go into your course

(left hand nav) Settings

(Right hand nav)  Import Content into this Course

Content Type: Blackboard 6/7/8/9 export .zip

Source: Choose zip file you have saved

Skip Question bank

Content: All content



The system will run for a minute or two, importing your content.

Check over the import in Canvas:

Go to the Files area: are the files all there?

Check all areas – announcements, assignments, grade columns, quizzes, modules – for links, attachments, correct point values, items showing up where they should in the grade book.

What you'll get is not perfect - no discussion boards, but it should have about 80% of the material. Check the Modules area to see the layout.


Hello  @andrew_jones-ca ​,

Like  @kona ​ I worked at an institution that migrated from ANGEL.  In preparing to deliver training I was successful in following steps similar to what Victoria outlined with respect to Bb migration.

Just FYI; I shared your question into the LMS Migration group

Community Contributor

Hi Stephen

In a way i agree. The changing VLE is a major set for any institution, but it is a changes to break with the old. The expectation from staff is that it will work the same, and they will need little time and effort leading to them going back in back into the VLE rut. The issue is how to balance the annoyance of the disruption, with providing the space and time to think again.

get it right and staff provide students with high-quality resources, get it wrong and staff are less likely to use the new system in the short term.

Perhaps it's how the new tool is introduced that make some staff re-evaluate what they have and what they could provide, but i also think it's the number of staff at the institution who can support the transition. This is compounded by the fact that all this is happening while the vehicle is in motion.

I think is might be useful to discuss with programme teams what they want brought over, giving them the option to see what the possibilities are.