How To Customize Your Request Form

Custom Forms

Forms are customizable to create custom questions that can be used in Requests, Reviews or Provider Applications.

The first step to set up these processes is to customize your forms to include all the information you need to make an informed decision about approving a product.

Creating Custom Forms

To customize a form, access the Settings tab > Forms.

Use the Type Filter to view the type of form you want to view - by default, only Request and Review Forms are displayed, since most administrators prefer to manage Provider Application forms from the Provider Applications page.

There is already a System Default Review Form and System Default Request Form set up in your account. This allows you to use requests and reviews right away. These forms cannot be edited, but can be duplicated if you would like to build from them.

Creating a Custom Request Form

TIP: Product requests are typically submitted by educators or other staff in an organization. These requests are then managed by administrators. If you have not created a custom request form, the default custom request form will be used.

The system will include a default Request Form. 

The System Default Request Form can be duplicated, but cannot be edited or deleted. 

To create a new request form, click on the Form Builder button or duplicate the existing System Default request form.

When entering questions into the form, you have the option of including free text, multi-select, multiple choice, rating scale, and other types of questions.

When creating a form, make sure you include a Request Form Name and Description. The Description is just for your note-taking and is not visible to recipients of the form.

The requestor's name and product names will automatically be presented when a request is sent in so you do not need to create custom questions for this information.

After you have included all the questions in your form, make sure to Preview the questions and hit Save.

Assigning Request Forms to Product Statuses

You can assign request forms for specific statuses or set as Organization Default

Organization Default forms will override the System Default one.  

For example, in the Sample Form in the image above, the request form will only appear or be triggered for product requests that have an Conditional Use Only status in the library. Request forms can be included while creating or modifying a product status by going to:

Settings > Statuses > Edit > Assign Form to Status

When creating and editing custom forms, organizations can drag-and-drop the questions into nearly any order they choose.

Reordering Custom Questions

When editing custom forms, to reorder the questions, simply drag and drop the questions by clicking and holding on the six dots on the left of the question and moving it to the place you would like it to be.

Drag-and-drop reordering will not be available if you duplicate the system default form, then the first three questions don’t give you the option to reorder. They are connected in a different way and drive specific labels and tags throughout the platform. If you don’t wish to use them you can delete them. You may also recreate them and reorder them, but the educators’ answers to those questions will only be available in the standard review and not as labels and tags for that educator throughout the platform.

Creating a Custom Review Form

Custom Review Forms allow you to capture specific, detailed information from stakeholders when moving through the product vetting process. You can leverage multiple review forms to customize which questions get sent to which reviewer.

In Settings>Forms>Form Builder, make sure Product Review Form is selected as the Form Type when creating these forms. This can always be edited if need be.

Please note - All review forms - System Default and Custom Review Forms - include the Recommendation Question.

Assigning Review Forms to Reviewers

Review Forms can be used in Workflows to automatically be assigned to your reviewer at the right time. Please see (link to Workflows how-to).

To manually assign a reviewer and use a custom review form:

From Management>Requests, click on a product’s name:

From the Actions button, select Add Reviewer - or click the Pending Reviews Tab in the sub-menus

If you have already assigned a reviewer, you can change the review form they will receive from the Review Form drop down. Please note - reviewers will be notified via email when they are assigned as a reviewer. They will not be sent an additional notification when/if the review form is changed - this will simply display the correct form in My Tasks at the time of their review.

To see how to assign a new reviewer, go to Reviewing a Product, Product Recommendations, and Next Steps

Creating a Custom Provider Application Form

Provider Application Forms are unique as they are typically created from Management> Provider Applications. However, some administrators like to use a shared form across multiple applications, and edit the form from Settings>Form Builder.

To edit from Settings>Forms, use the Filter button to make Provider Application forms visible in the table. This will now display any Provider Applications that were created either from Settings>Forms or from Management>Provider Applications

The table will display how many applications the Form is used in. If editing a form used in multiple applications it will affect all applications.

Please note - if a form is currently being used in an application with existing invites, and the form is changed, the updated form will only affect invitees that have not started the application. Existing and in-progress applications are unchanged. Please reach out to your CSM if you need support.