Adding Products to Your Product Library
As an administrator, you can add products to your product library by using the Management tab or the Usage dashboard.
Educators can request products to be added to their district's library via the Request Workflow.
Adding Products From Your Management Tab

As a LearnPlatform Administrator, the Management tab allows you to manage the products in the Organizational Library. To add products to the library, go to Management > Products > + Add Product.

Type the name of the product you would like to add, and then click on the name of the product > + Add.
Once you select add the Product Detail Page for that product will appear. If the approval and privacy statuses are already known, now is a great time to add them. In addition you can include other information specific to that product.
This product will then appear in your organization’s product library with an Unknown status.
TIP: Once you have added a product to your library, don’t forget to set statuses and add additional information by leveraging the custom columns or clicking on the product to view/edit details in the Product Overview Tab. How To Manage Resources
TIP: Product visibility is dependent on the setting of each status. To ensure that products with this status are visible in your Educators, goto Settings>Statuses. Click to Edit the appropriate status, and select the box "Include products with this status in the organization product library." To ensure that products with this status are visible in the Public Library, select the box “Include Products with this status in the Public Product Library” See How To Set Custom Statuses.
Adding Products From Your Usage Dashboard
To add a single product or bulk add products to your product library from your usage dashboard, click on the Analysis tab and scroll down to the Usage Details section. Select one or multiple products that you would like to add to your product library, set their product status, and click on the Add items to the Product Library button on the right-hand side of your screen.
Products must have an Approval Status and Privacy Status in order to be added to the library.
Troubleshooting: If products do not appear in the Organizational library double check the visibility options for Statuses as well as the “Sharing with Educator” Access Controls in Settings.
Also In Settings, go to Access Controls, then Data Sharing with Educators - Would you like to share your Inventory data with Educators? Make sure to check the "Yes, share with Educators" checkbox for the Organization library to appear.
Unable to Find a Product in the LearnCommunity Library?
If you've searched within the LearnCommunity Library and are not able to find the desired product you are presented with an option to Create a custom product listing in your organization's library.
1. Navigate to your Management > Products tab and click “+Add Product.”
2. Select “Create Custom Product.”
3. You are now in the Customer-Created Product Wizard. Input the name and domain for your custom product, then select “Next.”
4. To ensure you are not missing a product that is already listed in the LearnCommunity Library, the first step of the wizard uses the provided product name and domain to check for any potential matches. If there are none, or the ones you see are not a match, proceed to “Create Custom Product.”
5. Input the details for your new custom product - the following fields are required:
- Product Type (software, hardware, service)
- Product Name
- Product Website
- Product Logo
Note: Green Check marks indicate required fields.
6. Let us know about products that should be added to the LearnCommunity Library by checking the box “Ask LearnPlatform to review this product for the LearnCommunity Library.”
A customer support representative will notify you when the product is added to your library, typically in less than two weeks.
NOTE – The full functionality of Customer-Created Products is slated to be released (~August 2024). If you have questions about Customer Created Products functionality please contact
7. Now your custom product is created and visible in your Management > Product Library and ready to be populated with your Statuses, Resources, Tags, and more!
For additional articles related to LearnPlatform's Product Library, see Product Library - Educator View and Enabling the Public Product Library.