Fixing item bank questions used in more than one quiz

Community Member


Item bank A is used in quiz A, Item bank B is used in quiz B, etc. In addition to having students take each of those quizzes individually, I also create a later cumulative quiz, X, that uses Item banks A, B, C, etc.

When I present quiz A to students, I discover that one of the questions had the wrong answer. I regrade their quiz accordingly, but that doesn't change the question in the item bank.

I go into the item bank to fix the question, but I have to edit a copy of the question. The alert tells me the new version will only be seen by students who haven't already taken the quiz.

My question: What about when I re-use Item bank A in quiz X? If a student had already encountered the problem question when taking quiz A, will they nevertheless see the correct version of it when it appears in quiz X? Or something else?

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