NQ Reflection: Taking the Mystery out of Assessment Results

Community Participant



In my first few years of teaching, my assessments consisted of multiple choice, true and false, and matching questions, followed by some meatier essay questions. It was always a mystery to me as to why students could get 100% on the selected response questions but then would struggle with the essay questions. My formative practice quizzes throughout the unit of study would help students master the easier “recall questions,” but not help them apply those bits of knowledge conceptually in an essay. 

Using New Quizzes, I am now able to build assessments that allow students to demonstrate and practice higher-order thinking skills using ordering, categorizing, and hot spot questions. Using them in both formative and summative assessments, I can identify students that need additional practice as well as identify where I can be better as an instructor. I am no longer surprised by my student’s academic performance on summative assessments and love how using these question types on formative assessments makes the concepts more clear. Mystery solved!


Question: What is your favorite question type to assess a student’s conceptual understanding of a difficult topic? How do you feel this increases the overall value of the assessment?


Want to learn more about or contribute to our NEW QUIZZES HUB Celebration? Read more: Announcing: New Quizzes Celebration Series