How do I install the Instructure OneRoster plugin from within PowerSchool?
As a PowerSchool SIS admin, you can install the Instructure OneRoster plugin.
If necessary, you should also install the Universal Rostering plugin first.
Download Plugin File
Download the Instructure OneRoster Plugin. Contact Instructure for a link to the plugin.
Open Plugin Management Dashboard

Sign in to the PowerSchool SIS Admin portal.
From the start page, choose System > System Settings > Plugin Management Configuration.
Install Plugin

On the Plugin Management Dashboard, click the Install button.
Select Plugin

Click the Choose File button [1]. Select the vendor plugin filename: inst-ps_oneroster_plugin_v1.1.xml
Then, click the Install button [2].
Register Plugin

Verify the information in the Plugin Registration window. Then, click the Register button.
Note: If the registration is unsuccessful, delete the plugin and reinstall it with the correct information.
Enable Plugin
To enable the Instructure plugin:
- Click the Enable/Disable checkbox.
- Click the Enable button.
- Click the name of the vendor plugin.
- Click Data Configuration.
- Increase Pagination limit to 1000.
- In the OAuth Credentials section, record the generated Client ID and Client Secret.
Provide Credentials to Instructure
To request information from Intructure:
- Create a text file entitled: <institution_name>_oneroster_credentials.txt
- In the file add the following fields:
- Institution Name:
- Primary Contact Name:
- Primary Contact Email:
- PowerSchool URL:
- Client ID:
- Client Secret:
- Save the text file.
- Request a link to a secure ShareFile site, and upload the text file to it.