How do I disable Canvas ProgressBook grade sync as an admin?
As an admin, you can disable the sync to SIS setting on all assignments in an account according to the assignment due dates.
Note: To restart the grade sync for any disabled assignments, you must re-enable sync to SIS for the assignments individually.
Open Account

In Global Navigation, click the Admin link [1], then click the name of the account [2].
Open SIS Integration

In the Account Navigation menu, click the SIS Integration link.
Open Utilities

In the SIS Integration page, click the Utilities tab.
View Disable Sync to SIS

View the Disable Sync to SIS section.
Select Due Date

You can disable all assignments with due dates before a specific date. By default, the date is today's date [1].
To use another date, click the Calendar icon [2], and select a date. Alternatively, enter a date in the form YYYY-MM-DD into the Date field [1].
Confirm Consequences

If you disable the sync to SIS for a group of assignments, you can only re-enable sync to SIS individually.
Click the I understand the consequence of this action and the assignments would need to be re-enabled for sync to SIS checkbox.
Disable Sync to SIS

To disable assignments with due dates before the specified date, click the Disable button.
View Disable Sync to SIS History

The last executed sync to SIS job displays. You can view the date and time of the job [1] and its status [2].
To view the latest data, you can click the Refresh button [3].
Open Error Log

To view error logs for an incomplete job, click the status link.