How do I view and manage Canvas ProgressBook grade sync schedules for my institution?

If your institution has configured Canvas-SIS grade passback, you can view your grade sync schedules in the SIS Integration page. Any course grading updates made in Canvas within the defined interval are reflected in your SIS gradebook after a completed sync. Canvas Course grading updates can include new assignments, adding assignment scores, posting grades, and changing assignment grades. You can also pause grade sync schedules.

Grade passback schedules are configured during Canvas SIS integration implementation. To make changes to your sync schedules, or to add scheduled syncs, contact the Instructure SIS Support Team.

Open Account

Open Account

In Global Navigation, click the Admin link [1], then click the name of the account [2].

Open SIS Integration

Open SIS Integration

In the Account Navigation menu, click the SIS Integration link.

Open Grade Sync

Open Grade Sync

In the SIS Integration page, click the Grade Sync tab.

View Grade Sync

You can view your institution's Grade Sync automation schedule(s) in the Schedules section [1].

You can also view recent Grade Sync history and Grade Sync details in the Grade Sync section [2].

View Schedules List

The Schedules list displays information about each sync schedule.

  • Type [1]: the sync type; Canvas supports roster import and grade passback syncs. The Grade Sync page lists all Grade Sync schedule types.
  • Interval [2]: the frequency of the sync automation.
  • First Run [3]: the date and time when the schedule's first sync occurred.
  • Next Run [4]: the date and time for the next scheduled sync. Paused sync schedules do not display a next run date.
  • Time Zone [5]: the time zone of the first and the next scheduled sync.
  • Posted By [6]: the associated Canvas admin assigned to initiate the scheduled sync.
  • Action [7]: the schedule action options.

To pause all grade sync schedules, click the Pause All button [8].

Run Schedule Sync

As an admin, you can manually run a scheduled sync at any time.

To manually run a sync schedule, locate the schedule and click the Run this schedule now button [1].

When you manually run a scheduled sync, your name displays in the Grade Sync history log [2].

Note: If you manually run a sync, avoid sync issues and confirm that only one sync job is running at a time.

Pause Schedule

You can also pause Grade sync schedules to prevent subsequent syncs.  

To pause a sync schedule, locate the schedule, and click the Pause schedule button.

After pausing a sync, please contact the Instructure SIS Support Team to resolve any sync issues.

Resume Schedule

To resume a paused sync and allow the next automated sync, locate the paused scheduled sync in the list. Canvas displays the date and time when the sync was paused [1]. To resume the schedule, click the Resume schedule button [2].