Catalog Update - Delayed a bit longer

The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello Catalog Users! (Cataolgites? Catalogians? What should we call ourselves??)  


I hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend. I'm posting today to give you an update on the status of Catalog and talk a bit about where we're headed. 


But first, let me just say how awesome all of your feedback has been as we look forward to resuming feature development on Catalog. Everything from the survey results to the community questions and discussions help us know what is most important for the community. Your participation has been incredible and I genuinely appreciate the passion you have for Catalog. Keep posting, keep asking, keep speaking up.


Ok, now on to the update. As many of you know, Catalog is in need of some under-the-hood updates. These won't be externally visible, but they'll pay huge dividends for us here internally. The goal was to begin work on these updates before the end of Q4. Unfortunately things have been pushed back a bit, and we're now thinking we'll be able to start on the internal work in January, with feature work commencing sometime in Q2. 


So that's where things are at. But despite the delay, we're crazy excited for where the product is headed and can't wait to make it even better. 


I'd also like to start doing more frequent updates for the community. I'm thinking monthly. While I can't change the timeline (believe me, I've tried), I can keep everyone up to speed on where we are at. I might not always have a ton to share, but I hope it helps everyone feel informed. Let me know if this is something you think would be valuable and how often you'd like to hear from me. 


Well, I guess that's all for now. Happy Cataloging! (Yeah, cataloging is a real word). 



The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.

Community Coach
Community Coach

Thank you for the update  @jfenton ‌. We look forward to hearing from you about the progress.


Community Contributor

I really would appreciate updates from you, Jon. I think once a month would be sufficient, unless we need to know something sooner. It is very nice to see that we are getting support on Catalog again.

Thanks for keeping us informed!!

Community Contributor

Monthly updates on progress would be much appreciated! Thanks for all your work,  @jfenton ‌!

Community Contributor

 @jfenton ‌ Is there a roadmap for Catalog that we can see what updates are going to be made? Thanks for this update! 

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

We're still putting a roadmap together. As soon as we have a draft ready I'll send it out for feedback.