RCE in New Quizzes - Q3 update

The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.


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Our primary focus this past quarter was continuing work on Phase 1 and collaborating with the team implementing the RCE across all of Canvas. 

If you'd like to read about more work done in Q3 for New Quizzes, please check out Marissa's end of quarter summary post.

From the outside it may look like an easy task, but there are a lot of underlying challenges we need to address. Without going into too much detail I’d like to shed some light on what we have been working on this quarter:

  • Make sure all RCE configurations from Canvas are passed to New Quizzes.
  • Setup authentication process within RCE to be able to get media and other resources.
  • Make sure current New Quizzes content is rendered properly.
  • Make sure Classic Quizzes content is migrated over and rendered correctly.

RCE in New QuizzesRCE in New Quizzes

Given the importance of assessment in the learning cycle, we are continuing robust testing to proactively address any issues before  the RCE integration is deployed into New Quizzes. Fortunately, we are overcoming these challenges and we are near the end of development. In fact, we already have a working RCE in our local environment, which we are using to test the features included in Phase 1.

In Q4, we are going to finish up this fundamental work and look forward to the release of Phase 1 of the RCE. 

The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.

Community Participant

This is a lot of technical debt you're paying off (and yet accruing more through required complexity) for the decision for NQ to have been made as an LTI instead of a core part of Canvas. I am not envious of the position your team is in.

Community Champion

@TamasBalogh, do you think there is a possibility tovalidate links in New Quizzes RCE content?


Hi @RobDitto,

Currently this is not on our roadmap, but when the link validator will be updated, we’ll make sure it’s working with New Quizzes too.

Community Participant

The RCE that I see when I'm editing/creating a New Quiz does not have the option to insert or add any course files.  How do I direct the learner to download a file, have their trainer complete it, and then reupload it?

The question type is File Upload, but in the directions I should be able to point them to a Course File so that they can download or at least view/print in a new tab.  

This functionality is in Classic Quizzes, when will it be coming to New Quizzes? 

(Thanks for all the work in NQ @TamasBalogh !) 

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Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

@AtSea, the "new RCE" is still not available in Production. @TamasBalogh's post is an update on the progress. We're still on track for Phase 1 of the new RCE to be available in new quizzes for testing in beta in Q4, with production release following soon after.