The Portfolium Network - New Training Course on Folios

The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Say hello to the newest member of the Instructure family - Portfolium. Portfolium is your free digital portfolio tool to visually showcase your academic and professional accomplishments and experiences. It is also your own unique personal branding tool, integrating a professional profile with social media and job-seeking features. The platform makes it very easy for you to not only search for and apply to jobs, but to also share your work with friends, colleagues and the very employers you want to work for!    


The free Portfolium Network is now seamlessly integrated into the Canvas LMS user experience. You will have lifelong access to your Folio where you can organize learning artifacts, connect with other Portfolium users and curate content to help showcase your skills to potential employers. 


In addition to these exciting announcements, Instructure’s Training Department is happy to introduce you to a new training course designed to help you create, customize and share your Folio.  


About the Course:

The Portfolium Network training course consists of three modules of content that guide you through everything you need to know about Portfolium Folios.  Use the information found in the course to create a brand new Folio or to access your existing Folio from within Canvas. All users, administrators, faculty and students, are invited to participate in the course.   


Where you Can Find this Course:

This course is available via public link: The Portfolium Network  Use this link to view and participate in the course. At this time the course is not available to be downloaded or adapted.  


You can also enroll yourself in the course through the Canvas Network.  Check out this guide to learn more about enrolling in a course through the Canvas Network.   



We will post all updates to the course below, as they are made. Subscribe to this post to stay up to date!

The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.

Community Champion

Hi Deactivated user 

Am incredibly excited about this new tool, and have had it installed in our account!  We are a tech college and one working towards the Guided Pathways model, and are always looking for better tools to connect our students to potential employers and market their training received at our school.

I like the Folio training course that has been developed, and would really like that content to be available for download so that Canvas Admins (Like my boring old curmudgeonly self) could develop customized and branded training for our schools.

Now, on to the joy of sharing our new toy with our school, and seeing what kind of responses I get back. I suspect they will be as enthusiastic as I am.


Community Champion

Hi again, Deactivated user

I have a quick question..............

The verbiage, including pronouns, in your blog; and as much of the documentation  I have made it through in the training course, discusses Portfolium from the student perspective.

However, even in my very early start this morning after installation, I note that Portfolium can be added to a Canvas Module as an external URL, and can be added to an assignment in the same manner. Both faculty role functionality. In  many regards and likely most instances in an instructional environment, and especially in K12, students will be introduced to Portfolium by their teachers, and the teachers will likely structure curriculum around it. Are there guides and documentation written for instructors and LMS admins?  I had to search to find an answer to a FERPA concern (resolved), but would greatly prefer to not have to extrapolate instructor/school features and functions through the lens of student documentation.

Thank you,


Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

 @kmeeusen ‌, there's quite a bit of documentation here: Do you find what you need there?

Community Champion

Thanks, stefaniesanders , I'll go takes a peek.

Community Champion

Hi again, stefaniesanders , and that looks like it could be useful but has opened a whole other layers of questions concerning levels of functionality, roles and permissions - such as.........


So what, where, how, why or etc. for Portfolium EDU network admins? I see no admin options, access, roles, permissions etc. in our installation.

I think I will read more and ask less questions for a bit here, and perhaps some of this will become clear.


Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Never stop asking questions,  @kmeeusen ‌! You'll need to contact your CSM to do some back-end provisioning before you can get started as an admin in Portfolium. We'll add that to our documentation.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi  @kmeeusen  much of this depends on the Portfolium products your institution has purchased.  The Portfolium Network is currently the only free product. See more info here.


Community Champion

Thank you, Alicia!

That is helpful.

Community Contributor

Deactivated user: would it be possible for the Portfolium network course to be added to Canvas Commons so that institutions can customize it?

Community Coach
Community Coach


If I'm interpreting Alicia's above information correctly, this isn't available at this time.

Where you Can Find this Course:

This course is available via public link: The Portfolium Network Use this link to view and participate in the course. At this time the course is not available to be downloaded or adapted.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi jwadec, we are currently evaluating the possibility of uploading this course to Commons based on several requests like yours. I would recommend subscribing to this post to receive notification if the course does become available in other ways.

Community Contributor

Thank you! I’ve subscribed.

The reason I asked about customizing via a commons course, is the course currently on canvas network requires quizzing to see all the modules so it’s not completely open unless you create an account. Wanted a way where our students could get these resources without needing to make an additional account. 

Community Contributor

Terry Crews shouting

Community Explorer

Any updates as to if or when this course might become available in the Commons? Thanks!