Modernizing Assessment with CanvasLMS - September 2021 (Vocational Education & Training User Group)



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Session 1: Modernizing Assessment with Canvas (September 16th)
Our esteemed panel guests will be discussing strategies and ideas on structuring quality assessments as well as how this can be managed within Canvas. Community participation is encouraged so feel free to bring your team along and get involved. Attendees - 84


Want to know more? Be sure to reach out to our advocates if you have any questions or comment below.

Damian Noud Team Leader – Learner Success Team, MRWED (Chair) @dnoud 
Kerri Buttery Partner, VETNexus (Panel) @kerributtery 
Marita Bird Assessment Director, TasTAFE (Panel) @marita_bird 
Adam Ware Snr CSM - Instructure APAC @adamwarecx 




[00:00] - Introduction to guests and panelists.

[02:50] - Introduction to Kerri and "The key to designing in Canvas - what is training and what is assessments!".
Discussions on structure within Canvas for formative and summative assessments. Discussing what ASAQ is looking at as well. Including questions and answers

[17:00] - Introduction to Marita and "Quiz and Assessment Design".
When thinking assessment, are you considering:

  • What you are designing for?
  • requirements, scale, longevity, designing for reasonable adjustment
  • Designing for devices and Apps
  • Point allocation

[36:10] - Introduction to "How do you leverage technology for better assessment experiences?".

[46:20] - Adam - Product updates from Canvas

[56:00] - Webinar concludes