Creating calculated columns in the grade book

Community Member

I would like to create calculated grade columns in the grade book. I've talked with the Canvas help desk and was surprised to learn that this simple, basic LMS function is not possible in Canvas. However, I'm sure that some of you have figured a workaround.

Here is how the final grade for the course is calculated:

6 exams total

5% extra credit

Lowest exam score is dropped from final grade calculation.

Blackboard and WebCT both permit users to weight the grade columns and create calculated grade columns so that one formula will dictate the average of the highest 5 of the 6 exams for column X. Another column can be created to calculate what is presented in column X plus any extra credit bonus. I know that my grading scheme is fairly straight forward and not at all unique. Has anyone figured out how to create these columns to display these grades for the students? 

Thanks in advance for your help/advice.

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