Post Annotations and Grades Separately

It would be extremely beneficial to have the ability to post feedback separately from posting grades.

This is an extension of a previous idea on the community:


Current Situation:

Feedback and grades are posted simultaneously. With the new development (in beta) it will allow entering feedback without a grade and releasing this, a grade is therefore not entered or it is entered at a later stage.

There are a number of workarounds in order to accommodate the current functionality including providing feedback outside of Canvas, storing grades separately then going back and entering them into the system, not releasing feedback until a later stage, etc.... I'm sure there are more!


What we would like to do:

Enter feedback at the same time as entering the grade and have the ability to post grades and feedback separately (posting feedback would include annotations within SpeedGrader).


 335142_Post Feedback.jpg



Benefits include:

  • Students will get their feedback in a timely manner and not need to wait for ratification of grades.
  • This will save time as staff will not have to go back and enter grades at a later stage (which would be required in order to release timely feedback)
  • Reduce risk of error as grades will not need to be recorded separately before being entered / imported into Canvas.




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