Idea is currently in development

I'm not sure if this sort of functionality would even be possible, but it would be a very useful feature for a Grade by Question option to show all answers for a particular question on one page. For example, all student responses for question 1 together on one page, click "next page" for all responses to question 2, and so on, rather than clicking through each student's exam one at a time to see the particular response. This would significantly reduce the number of clicks needed, and would also help check responses for similarities to see if students might be working together behind the scenes on exams. 

An example where this would be helpful: we recently had an exam with 70 students consisting of 40 questions - multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, dropdowns, and about 5 essay-style. For the essay answers (and fill-in-the-blank, because typos happen), using the current Grade by Question functionality we had to click through each student about 8 times (over 560 clicks). If all responses to each question showed on a single page, it would have only been 40 clicks - one click per question, and we could better compare responses. Plus it would be more efficient due to less loading time between pages.

Comments from Instructure


We have several related ideas we're tracking around this request:

Compile all essay responses to a quiz question on ...

Add Grade by Question Feature in New Quizzes

Improve Grade One Question at a time

New Quizzes: Grade by Question on one page (this one)

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