Home page won't display, modules show up instead

Community Explorer

I use pages (not modules) showing three weeks of content for my University course. I did have modules set up initially, but changed back to pages so that the home page for each three week block in the course looks pretty much the same (with zoom links and basic course info always accessible on the home page).

I went to set the page for the next three week block as a home page, and though it shows as "home page" on my list of pages, that's not what you see when you log into this course. You see the old modules page. I can work with this for now, but can't seem to fix it.

My other two courses do not have this problem. I broke something!

I have modules disabled from the settings menu, so it is doubly odd that the home page won't set as a home page, though I did that correctly. Sadly, I use "free for teachers" as our university is still stuck with that horrible competitor, so I can't get help from Canvas now. Any thoughts?

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