
A teacher has run into the issue that complete/not complete assignments have been piling up in her gradebook.   When offering to make it a "not graded" assignment, this was not a solution, as "not graded" assignments do not allow for external tools to be used, in this instance, Kami. 

The work-around is to move assignments to a different assignment category/module, however, I wanted to feature request to make an assignment that is marked as "not graded" available to use an external tool. I do understand these requests need to be made for a specific product.

This particular request is for Kami, but I could foresee this being useful for other vendors. 

A similar post has been found here: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Idea-Conversations/Allow-external-tools-and-submissions-for-not-g..., but did not progress due to not specifying a tool. In our instance, we would use this, but Kami would be one of the most useful for our instructors.


Thank you for your consideration!


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