Changing Grades in a Closed Grading Period - Admin Level

Community Member

Backgroud: we use Skyward as our SIS, we also have a policy that if a student is absent due to COVID, they get 20 days to make up their missed work. 


We have had some students who were out due to quarantine and received an incomplete for Semester One Term One. They have since completed their work and the teachers want to update their grades. The teachers are not able to access their grades in Canvas because the grading period is closed. We made it a point this year that teachers need to put the grades in Canvas and then sync them to Skyward. In Skyward, there is a simple way to reopen the grading window without changing term dates. The only way I see to "open" the grading period in Canvas is to change the term dates and grading period to include today's date (two weeks past the end of the term). However, when teachers sync their grades, many of their term two grades are showing up in term one... We have adjusted the dates back to normal and resynced, but there are still a few issues. 


Is there a better way to "open" a grading window in Canvas without having to change the grading due date? 

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