Canvas Message Deleting--Monitoring Student Actions

Community Participant

We're having a problem with Canvas Inbox/Canvas Messages, whatever it's called.  Our kids are using it essentially as a replacement for texting, which in itself isn't a major problem--whether it's passing notes, texting, emailing, writing on a Google Doc, we know they're sending messages.  The problem is that within Canvs, as an admin, we can't go in and see messages if kids have deleted them without sending a request to Canvas to get those, which might take a couple hours or a couple weeks.  The vast majority of the time, we don't need them or one of the kids still has the messages, but occasionally there is inappropriate behavior that we have to investigate, but as far as I can find within Canvas, there's not much I can do.  How do you all handle this?  Ideally, we'd have at least one of the following options, but I can't see any indication that we have any of these:

  • Ability to restrict student-to-student messages (right now, they can send to anyone they have a class with)
  • Admin Access to trash/deleted messages
  • Remove the ability to delete messages
  • Automatic blind copy all messages to a certain account (obviously, this would be the last choice, but it'd make messages available if need be).
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